Sunday, June 28, 2009

Gay Yartzeit Pics and Commentary - Thanks Big Gay Ben

So I promised to provide pics from Thursday's Gay Yartzeit. Here they are courtesy of 'Big Gay' Ben Feuer (formerly 'Big' Ben Feuer, aka Benjamin Bluebeard) (Ben's not really gay but he took on this persona for Thursday's event to get an 'inside' view of things). He's actually very much available for any ladies that have loose morals and are looking to party (0527864349).

'Queens on King David Street', where Israelite Kings once ruled.
Two revelers dressed up as border policemen.
Israel has no 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy and as such, lesbians are integral part of our armed forces.

Trannies galore! No LGBT event is complete without 'em.
The sign reads 'I don't tell you how to live!' A religious participant with a pink yarmulke. Big Ben reported that there were several religious gay groups that participated - only in Jerusalem!
Rainbow flag with Israeli flag superimposed in corner. New national flag candidate?
An overview of the procession.

Thanks Ben and good luck with the ladies!