Monday, January 7, 2013

Singing in the Rain

So here we are in day 3 of our 5 days superstorm. We've passed the high wind phase and are in the steady, non-stop rain phase. Tomorrow we enter the dropping temperatures with a chance (I'll believe it when I see it) snow phase. It's weeks like this I am extra grateful I work from home.

Here's the view from right behind my building - we had 2 fairly large downed trees that resulted from the 100 km/hour (60 mph) winds we had yesterday. There were downed trees all over the neighborhood.

We have been very impressed with the city's response to the storm. Yesterday I saw city workers out with chainsaws in the peak of the wind gusts taking down dangerous trees and branches before they got blown onto people and cars. Then on the way back from dropping the kids I noticed a downed telephone pole with lots of electric wires across from our bedroom window. I called the police who then came to check it out. They called the telephone company who called me for directions to the downed pole. Again, in the midst of 100 kph wind gusts they removed the pole and neutralized the wires. Then today I got another call from the police asking me to rate their response time, courteousness and whether the problem was resolved. What is happening to Israel?! Seriously amazing.

This is the mall in Modiin, where a bunch of my coworkers live. Pretty crazy.

All in all, the Kineret is at its highest level in years and maybe it's just me but I find extreme weather events (or at least tracking them from the comfort and safety of your own home) entertaining. Up to a point of course. I'm not about to go singing in the rain.

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