Monday, January 14, 2013

Naftali Bennett IS Andre from The League

Most people that know me know what a huge fan of the FX TV series 'The League' I am, especially the comedic stylings of Paul Scheer, better know as Andre, the nebbie character who is way more successful than his peers but who is nonetheless the butt of pretty much every joke due to his absurd fashion style and ridiculous mannerisms.

You also probably know me as a centrist to the core politically - someone who eschews ideology across the board (heck, it's the reason I called this here blog the Common Sensorium). I am far from a supporter of ideological causes, both in Israel where I live and in the U.S. where I still vote and spend about 6 weeks of the year.I definitely have ZERO interest in supporting an ideologue like Naftali Bennett, head of the right wing Bayit Yehudi party in the upcoming Israeli election.

Which is why I was so shocked to discover that Naftali Bennett and our beloved Andre (aka Paul Scheer) are in fact one and the same person!

As Exhibit A, I provide irrefutable photographic evidence. I bet you can't even guess which of this is Bennett and which is Andre:

In my utter state of shock I fired off an email to Andre's Bayit Yehudi campaign manager, Andre Bennett (no relation I'm told). Andre Bennett neither confirmed nor denied what is now clearly the undeniable truth, that Naftali Bennett and League star Andre are one and the same person. However, when asked how he could be running as such a cleancut, religious nut type while helping write and starring in what is possibly the most depraved TV show of all time, he did give me one of his patented 'Child Please!'s (actual patent the property of Chad Ochocinco).

What more proof do you need?

So for all you potential Bayit Yehudi voters out there, I just hope you realize that you're supporting a candidate that shoots porn in his upscale downtown loft and then screens it at a Succa Party for Baby Geoffrey's Jewish preschool teacher. Sick, just sick!